New Greenway
The new Balla Greenway currently under construction was funded under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme. The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is an initiative under the Government’s Action Plan for Rural Development to rejuvenate rural towns and villages. Vibrant towns and villages are at the heart of our rural communities and play an important role in revitalising rural Ireland.
Our proposal is to Develop a Greenway from the National School to the Secondary School and Town park - this will provide a safe link between the town, the forest walks, recreation facilities the schools, local businesses and residential estates. This would facilitate children walking to school and increase the use of these facilities for educational purposes. (See map).
The objective of the project is to reinvigorate and enhance Balla Town and make it a more attractive place to live, recreate and do business. Balla CRD in association with Balla Tidy Towns, Balla Community Council, Balla Town Parks, Schools, Co-ops and Local Businesses is focused on attracting people and investment to the Town in order to ensure our long term sustainability. We gratefully recognise the support we receive from Mayo County Council, South West Mayo Development Company, Mayo Sligo Leitrim ETB, Teagasc, Local Schools and other relevant organisations.