New Heritage Information Signage, Decorative Village Signs and Street Seating & Benches
The aim of this project was to reinvigorate and enhance Balla Town and make it a more attractive place to live, recreate and do business. Everything we in Balla CRD do, in association with Balla Tidy Towns, Balla Community Council, Balla Town Parks, Local Businesses, SWMDC, Mayo County Council, MSLETB, Schools and other relevant organisations, focuses on attracting people and investment to the Town in order to ensure our long term sustainability.
Priorities in this project are the result of community feedback during the process of renewing our Community Futures Plan as well as suggestions in recent Tidy Towns Adjudicators Reports. We continue to improve the streetscape by upgrading and carrying out remedial works on vacant buildings and empty spaces in the town. We further propose to address a number of issues which have been highlighted in recent Balla Tidy Town
The provision of Community Information Notice Boards is seen as critical to inform and give direction to visitors and highlight amenities, local walks and other sites of interest in the community. A number of seats and picnic tables were also installed to encourage visitors to visit and spend time in the town centre. We also surveyed, mapped and erected a sign in the old graveyard at the Round Tower which we now intend to enhance with flood lighting.