Mayo Community Futures is a bottom up, community led process which allows all members of the community opportunities to feed into an Action Plan for their community. The main tools for encouraging and facilitating participation are a household survey, stakeholder interviews, a community profile and a Community Day event. This information is then collated in a Community Action Plan which summarises the community’s current situation, the vision for the future of the community, the main issues that need to be addressed and the main priorities.
Balla developed its first Community Futures Action Plan in 2008 and all targets were achieved by 2013. A renewed Balla Community Action Plan was developed and launched in 2018. The measure of success in the Balla Community over the coming years will be the number of issues in our renewed Community Futures Plan which have been resolved. These issues were identified during the community consultation element of the plan development. The number of new businesses opening and the increase in student number in our schools will be evidence of our success.