Public Consultation
we wanted to make you aware of a Public Consultation by Mayo County Council in the Community Resource Centre tomorrow between 2pm and 8pm.
Residents, members of the public and other interested parties are invited to participate.
Areas of concern include the following:
Install 2 more Pedestrian Crossings in Balla.
Traffic Calming from the Claremorris side of the bend at Ardboley Junction and through the town to 50kph limit at Lognamuck.
Join up Paths/Cycleways/Greenways on East and West of Village as well as existing Greenway to the Balla Town Park and Woodland Walks as part of the Active Travel Programme.
Incorporate the ‘Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Programme’.
Paths both sides of N60 from Balla to Rathduff junction with ancillary works and lighting.
Speed limits – 50kph to Ardboley Junction and 60kph to Rathduff Junction
All commercial signage, erected without planning, on each side of the N60 to be removed
Please make every effort to attend and inform others in your area also and have your say.